
Embed a slideshow on your website

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For non-WordPress users who are looking to embed a slideshow on their website, the pickings are slim. Especially when you’re looking for these two features:

  • a tool that helps you size and crop your images to look good in the slideshow
  • the ability to link each image to a destination – like a page on your website or a news item

If you don’t need either of these features, then the built in slideshow generators for and are great options.

If you don’t mind cropping and sizing your own images, then Nivo is a great option. It allows image linking and it comes as a stand alone jquery install (you need coding experience) or as a WordPress plugin.

But for everyone else, it looks like and are the only real options.

Cincopa is a pay hosting service and it only supports linking to images in a couple galleries –

Wowslider is software that you download – it builds the slideshow for you and you need to FTP your own images.